About Ozaru

Pioneering AI for Frontline Workers


Ozaru is on a mission to
harness the transformative power of artificial intelligence

to create a brighter, more prosperous future for frontline workers worldwide. We believe in the potential of technology to unlock new job opportunities, enhance income, and streamline the complexities of work life.

Our dedication is to lead the charge in reskilling the 2.6 billion frontline workers worldwide, preparing them to not only adapt but thrive in the rapidly evolving job market.


We envision a world where
frontline workers are

with the knowledge and tools necessary to excel in an AI-driven economy. Ozaru aims to lead this global transformation by developing advanced, yet user-friendly AI tools tailored to the everyday needs of these workers.

Our goal is to ensure that frontline workers are not merely participants in technological change but are driving it, equipped with the skills to lead in the future workplace.


At Ozaru, we recognize the
gap between the complexity
of existing commercial and
operational tools

and the usability needs of frontline workers. Traditional tools often overwhelm users with excessive buttons and text, necessitating ongoing in-person supervision and reliance on manual processes. Our solution leverages Large Language Models (LLMs) to offer simpler, more intuitive interfaces, akin to familiar platforms like WhatsApp.

This approach to conversational operations signifies our commitment to making technology adoption massive yet manageable, focusing on hyper-personalization to cater to individual needs while serving the broader objectives of businesses.


We firmly believe that the
future of work lies in
conversational operations

where simplicity and accessibility lead to widespread technological adoption. By simplifying the interface and interaction with AI tools, we can significantly reduce the learning curve, enabling frontline workers to seamlessly integrate AI into their daily routines.

Ozaru is committed to bridging the current gap with solutions that are both powerful and straightforward, ensuring that frontline workers are equipped, empowered, and inspired to embrace and lead in the AI era.


Ozaru is more than a

it’s a movement dedicated to redefining the future of work for frontline workers worldwide. If you share our passion for innovation, empowerment, and creating meaningful change, we invite you to join us on this journey. Together, we can build a future where every frontline worker has the tools and confidence to succeed in an increasingly digital world.

Our Values


We are constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, seeking out novel solutions to complex problems.


Understanding and addressing the needs of our users is at the core of everything we do.


Our users depend on us for critical support, and we take that responsibility seriously, ensuring our solutions are dependable and consistent.


We believe in the power of teamwork, both within our organization and in partnership with our users, to achieve shared goals.

Founded in 2022, Ozaru began as a small startup with a big idea: to revolutionize the way frontline workers interact with technology

Our founders, a group of engineers and industry professionals, recognized the potential of AI to transform the workplace. From our humble beginnings, we’ve grown into a leading provider of AI solutions, with our Supervisor technology serving businesses across the United States and all over America. Our journey is one of passion, perseverance, and a relentless pursuit of excellence.